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Keto Diet With Healthy Fats

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Are you new to Keto and aren't sure how to include healthy fats into your meals?  You've come to the right place!  Below are 15 different ways to help you add more Keto fats to your diet!

15 Ways to Add More Fat into your Keto Diet

If you are new to the Ketogenic Diet, you might be wondering, how you are going to consume so much fat!  Let me start by clarifying, fat is not a macro that you must hit, it's used as a lever to keep you satiated between meals.  Simply put, you eat as much fat as you need to, in order to keep from being hungry until your next meal.

You will find that the longer you are on Keto, the less fat you will need to consume, however you still want to make sure you include a fair amount in your diet.  Otherwise, you are only consuming protein and very low carbs, which is not healthy and can kick you out of Ketosis.

The fats that you want to consume on Keto, are healthy fats, which includes avocado, grass-fed butter, ghee, lard, mayonnaise, cocoa butter, coconut butter, Coconut Oil and MCT Oil.

Here are some tips that can help you add more healthy fats to your Keto diet:

closeup of cheese sauce over broccoli on white plate

1- Add Homemade Cheese Sauce to Your Veggies

I have a recipe for a velvety and delicious Easy Cheesy Sauce for Veggies that has a whopping 27 grams of fat per serving, with only 6 grams of protein and 2 net carbs!  This makes the perfect addition to any meal where you have a protein and a veggie, but not enough fat.  Add the cheese sauce and problem solved!

Strawberry Cheesecake Fat Bombs with strawberries in blue bowl

2- Make Some Fat Bombs

I have several recipes for Keto fat bombs that are are also sweet, so they can satisfy any craving, as well as help you increase your healthy fats. There are also hundreds available on the internet.  To see my Fat Bomb recipes, click here.  You can make them in large batches and freeze most of them, keeping some in the fridge.  When you need more, simply transfer another batch from the freezer to the fridge and you are good to go!

3-Choose High Fat Proteins

Choose protein with a higher fat content, like pork, 80/20 ground beef, fish, chicken legs and thighs, duck, chicken with the skin on, turkey legs and thighs and sausage are some examples.

keto berries and cream

4- Whip up Heavy Cream Sweet Treats

If you are craving something sweet and don't have any fat bombs on hand, take some heavy whipping cream, mascarpone cheese and a few drops of liquid stevia and whip it up.  Add some fresh berries to a bowl and dollop the whip cream over the top.

strawberry coconut cream mousse keto and low carb

5- Indulge in Mascarpone/Cream Cheese Sweet Treats

Similarly, you can easily whip up a quick healthy fat treat using cream cheese or mascarpone cheese. Whip up either or a combination of both, add a few drops of liquid stevia and whip it up.  Blend in some fresh or frozen berries, or unsweetened cocoa powder and you have mousse-like healthy fat treat!

6-Use Grass-Fed Butter/Ghee

Add grass-fed butter or ghee anywhere you can!  Cook your eggs in it, veggies and even add it on top of a freshly grilled steak or fish, yum!!  You can get creative and add fresh herbs to your butter, which will give anything you add it to, a wonderful boost of flavor.

avocado cut open

7-Eat Your Avocados

Avocados are so healthy, it's well worth the effort to make them a regular part of your diet. You can read more about the amazing health benefits of avocado here.  If you are like me, I love avocado and can eat them plain, or with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.  If you are not crazy about avocado, you can easily disguise the flavor by using them in desserts.  I have a recipes for Silky Chocolate Avocado Mousse and Keto Avocado Brownies , use avocado that has just ripened, you will not even taste them!

coffee with cream on saucer with spoon

8-Drink Bulletproof Coffee

If you are a coffee drinker, add healthy fats to your coffee, a.k.a. Bulletproof Coffee "BPC".  Adding grass-fed butter, coconut oil, MCT oil, or heavy cream to your coffee is a great way to get in that extra fat.  Typically you would do a combination of two fats, i.e. half coconut oil and half butter.

olive oil poured into glass bowl with green olives on the side

9-Drizzle Some Olive Oil

Use your olive oil. Get a good quality olive oil and drizzle over cooked veggies, meats, avocado and more.  It will add a boost of flavor and increase your fat.

Bacon Ranch Dressing - Keto and Low Carb

10-Make Your Own Dressings and Dips

Make your own creamy salad dressings and dips, using mayonnaise, sour cream, heavy cream, etc.  Adding a couple of tablespoons to any salad is a great way to increase your fat.  Check out my recipe for Homemade Ranch Dressing and Dip.  Make extra to have on hand for the week!  You can also use it as a dip for pork rinds, raw veggies or make your own crackers.  I have a great recipe for Keto "Everything" Crackers!

6 pieces of bacon frying in a pan

11- Save Your Bacon Grease

When you make your next batch of bacon, store the remaining grease in an airtight container or jar in the fridge and use it in your cooking.  Cook your eggs with it, use it to cook veggies, and you can even use it in a salad dressing!

sausage frying in pan

12-Cook With Grease From High Fat Meats

Similarly, you can also use the grease from other meats that you cook.  Grease from chorizo, Italian sausage and duck can add tremendous flavor to veggies that are just screaming for help!

13- Try Coconut Butter

Eat a tablespoon of homemade toasted coconut butter. It's incredibly easy to make and has fantastic flavor.  I love to eat it all by itself sometimes, it's quick and great if you are pressed for time.  See how to make your own toasted coconut butter here.  It's much easier than you think!

14- Buy Full Fat Ingredients

When you buy cream, cream cheese, butter, cheese, coconut milk, etc.  make sure you are buying the full fat version, not "light" or "low fat".  For example, Philadelphia Cream Cheese has a "⅓ less fat" version that contains 5 grams of fat per 2 tablespoons serving.  Their original cream cheese contains 7 grams of fat.  A 2 gram different might seem trivial, but every bit helps, particularly when you are finding it difficult to include enough fat for your macros.

15- Eat High Fat Nuts and Seeds

Snack on or include high fat nuts in your meals, such as pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts.  Some nuts are also high in protein and carbs, so eat them in moderation.  Chia, sunflower and sesame seeds are also very high in fat, but not as high in protein, so they make great healthy fat alternatives.  You can sprinkle them on salads or blend in shakes.

15 Ways to Add More Fat into your Keto Diet

I hope you find these tips helpful.  If you do, please leave a comment and share your experience!

Note: It's best to consult with your Doctor, Nutritionist or Licensed Professional before making any dramatic changes to your diet.  I am not a Doctor, Nutritionist or Licensed Professional, so the tips offered in this article are for your consideration and does not take the place of professional medical advice.

Keto Diet With Healthy Fats
